Size of company:
Our company is a medium size event management company. It is well organized and reputed. We are two partners running the company activities for organizing as well representing different international trade fairs and different events locally. Beyond of us there are involved three employees for marketing, maintaining accounts and administration including one office supporting staff. Total 6 persons are involved in this company. All staff is well experienced and educated. The company is registered with City Corporation (under Government of Bangladesh, in Dhaka). The company Bank is Arab-Bangladesh Bank.
Years of establishment:
August 10, 2010 and it is revised on December 12, 2012.
Prabir Kanti Das is a BSS (Hons), MSS in Economics and MBA in Marketing. He is well experienced in Event/Fair Management, Project Management and Trade Sectors. He got training on Intl trade fair group participation from the CBI, The Netherlands during Sept. 2 to 12, 2009.
He visited for organizing as well as coordination for different trade fairs in USA, Germany, UK Belgium, Russia, France, Spain, The Netherlands, China, Hong Kong.
Dewan Taj Ahmed is an MBA on Marketing. He is engaged in event management since 2002. He worked as Representative in Bangladesh for organizing Apparel Sourcing Association Pavilion Fair in Las Vegas, USA. (ASAP FAIR) from 2002 to 2008. Then he worked with CPD –Global Fashion Dusseldorf, Germany since 2003 to 2008. He was also worked for Prime Source, Hong Kong from 2006 to 2007. He visited for organizing and coordination of fairs as well visit USA, Germany, Spain, India, Thailand, and UAE.